Earthquake of 5.2 magnitude trembles in central Chile
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale has shaken the Valparaiso region in central Chile on Wednesday, with no reports of personal injuries so far. The National Seismological Center has informed that the epicenter of the landslide is located 118 kilometers west of the municipality of El Tabo, at a depth of 30 kilometers,…
Earthquake of 5.2 magnitude trembles in central Chile
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale has shaken the Valparaiso region in central Chile on Wednesday, with no reports of personal injuries so far. The National Seismological Center has informed that the epicenter of the landslide is located 118 kilometers west of the municipality of El Tabo, at a depth of 30 kilometers,…
Un terremoto de 5,2 sacude el centro de Chile
Un terremoto de 5,2 de intensidad en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la región de Valparaíso, en el centro de Chile, sin que por el momento haya información sobre daños personales. El Centro Sismológico Nacional ha informado de que el epicentro del corrimiento se encuentra a 118 kilómetros al oeste del municipio…
Un terremoto de 5,2 sacude el centro de Chile
Un terremoto de 5,2 de intensidad en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este miércoles la región de Valparaíso, en el centro de Chile, sin que por el momento haya información sobre daños personales. El Centro Sismológico Nacional ha informado de que el epicentro del corrimiento se encuentra a 118 kilómetros al oeste del municipio…
Il governo colombiano conferma che “Iván Márquez” è ancora vivo in un ospedale di Caracas.
Il ministro della Difesa colombiano, Diego Molano, ha confermato mercoledì che il leader del Secondo Fronte Marquetalia delle Forze Armate Rivoluzionarie della Colombia (FARC), “Iván Márquez”, è ancora vivo in un ospedale di Caracas, nella capitale venezuelana. Molano ha precisato che questa informazione è diventata nota dopo essere stata confermata dall’intelligence colombiana, che ha assicurato…
Die kolumbianische Regierung bestätigt, dass “Iván Márquez” in einem Krankenhaus in Caracas noch am Leben ist.
Der kolumbianische Verteidigungsminister Diego Molano hat am Mittwoch bestätigt, dass der Anführer der Zweiten Marquetalia-Front der Revolutionären Streitkräfte Kolumbiens (FARC), Iván Márquez, in einem Krankenhaus in der venezolanischen Hauptstadt Caracas noch am Leben ist. Molano gab an, dass diese Information bekannt wurde, nachdem sie vom kolumbianischen Geheimdienst bestätigt wurde, der versicherte, dass Márquez von der…
Die kolumbianische Regierung bestätigt, dass “Iván Márquez” in einem Krankenhaus in Caracas noch am Leben ist.
Der kolumbianische Verteidigungsminister Diego Molano hat am Mittwoch bestätigt, dass der Anführer der Zweiten Marquetalia-Front der Revolutionären Streitkräfte Kolumbiens (FARC), Iván Márquez, in einem Krankenhaus in der venezolanischen Hauptstadt Caracas noch am Leben ist. Molano gab an, dass diese Information bekannt wurde, nachdem sie vom kolumbianischen Geheimdienst bestätigt wurde, der versicherte, dass Márquez von der…
Colombian Government confirms that ‘Iván Márquez’ is still alive in a hospital in Caracas
The Colombian Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, confirmed on Wednesday that the leader of the Second Marquetalia Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), ‘Ivan Marquez’, is still alive in a hospital in Caracas, in the Venezuelan capital. Molano has detailed that this information has been known after it has been confirmed by…
Colombian Government confirms that ‘Iván Márquez’ is still alive in a hospital in Caracas
The Colombian Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, confirmed on Wednesday that the leader of the Second Marquetalia Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), ‘Ivan Marquez’, is still alive in a hospital in Caracas, in the Venezuelan capital. Molano has detailed that this information has been known after it has been confirmed by…
Colombian Government confirms that ‘Iván Márquez’ is still alive in a hospital in Caracas
The Colombian Minister of Defense, Diego Molano, confirmed on Wednesday that the leader of the Second Marquetalia Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), ‘Ivan Marquez’, is still alive in a hospital in Caracas, in the Venezuelan capital. Molano has detailed that this information has been known after it has been confirmed by…