Kubanische Gemeinde in Miami erinnert zehn Jahre nach seinem Tod an den Dissidenten Oswaldo Payá
Dutzende von Menschen haben sich in der US-Stadt Miami versammelt, um dem kubanischen Dissidenten Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas anlässlich seines zehnten Todestages zu gedenken und eine der meistbefahrenen Straßen der Stadt nach ihm zu benennen. Die Behörden von Miami-Dade County im Bundesstaat Florida haben erklärt, dass es sehr wichtig ist, das Vermächtnis von Payá, einem großen…
Kubanische Gemeinde in Miami erinnert zehn Jahre nach seinem Tod an den Dissidenten Oswaldo Payá
Dutzende von Menschen haben sich in der US-Stadt Miami versammelt, um dem kubanischen Dissidenten Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas anlässlich seines zehnten Todestages zu gedenken und eine der meistbefahrenen Straßen der Stadt nach ihm zu benennen. Die Behörden von Miami-Dade County im Bundesstaat Florida haben erklärt, dass es sehr wichtig ist, das Vermächtnis von Payá, einem großen…
Cuban community in Miami remembers dissident Oswaldo Payá ten years after his death
Dozens of people have gathered in the U.S. city of Miami to commemorate Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas on the tenth anniversary of his death by naming one of the busiest streets in the city after him. The authorities of Miami-Dade County, in the state of Florida, have indicated that “preserving the legacy of Payá,…
Cuban community in Miami remembers dissident Oswaldo Payá ten years after his death
Dozens of people have gathered in the U.S. city of Miami to commemorate Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas on the tenth anniversary of his death by naming one of the busiest streets in the city after him. The authorities of Miami-Dade County, in the state of Florida, have indicated that “preserving the legacy of Payá,…
Cuban community in Miami remembers dissident Oswaldo Payá ten years after his death
Dozens of people have gathered in the U.S. city of Miami to commemorate Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas on the tenth anniversary of his death by naming one of the busiest streets in the city after him. The authorities of Miami-Dade County, in the state of Florida, have indicated that “preserving the legacy of Payá,…
Cuban community in Miami remembers dissident Oswaldo Payá ten years after his death
Dozens of people have gathered in the U.S. city of Miami to commemorate Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas on the tenth anniversary of his death by naming one of the busiest streets in the city after him. The authorities of Miami-Dade County, in the state of Florida, have indicated that “preserving the legacy of Payá,…
UN urges Sri Lankan authorities to ensure a peaceful transition of power
UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, Hanaa Singer Hamdy, has urged “all stakeholders” in the country to ensure a peaceful transition of power “in full respect” of the Constitution. “United Nations Sri Lanka urges all stakeholders to ensure a peaceful transition of power with full respect for the Constitution. It is important that the root…
UN urges Sri Lankan authorities to ensure a peaceful transition of power
UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, Hanaa Singer Hamdy, has urged “all stakeholders” in the country to ensure a peaceful transition of power “in full respect” of the Constitution. “United Nations Sri Lanka urges all stakeholders to ensure a peaceful transition of power with full respect for the Constitution. It is important that the root…
UN urges Sri Lankan authorities to ensure a peaceful transition of power
UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, Hanaa Singer Hamdy, has urged “all stakeholders” in the country to ensure a peaceful transition of power “in full respect” of the Constitution. “United Nations Sri Lanka urges all stakeholders to ensure a peaceful transition of power with full respect for the Constitution. It is important that the root…
UN urges Sri Lankan authorities to ensure a peaceful transition of power
UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, Hanaa Singer Hamdy, has urged “all stakeholders” in the country to ensure a peaceful transition of power “in full respect” of the Constitution. “United Nations Sri Lanka urges all stakeholders to ensure a peaceful transition of power with full respect for the Constitution. It is important that the root…