Two dead and two survivors in helicopter crash on the island of Samos, Greece
At least two people have died and two survived Wednesday after a helicopter working to extinguish a fire on the Greek island of Samos crashed. The pilot of the aircraft and another crew member were rescued alive by the Coast Guard after falling into the sea, as reported by the Greek newspaper ‘Ethnos’. The helicopter…
Two dead and two survivors in helicopter crash on the island of Samos, Greece
At least two people have died and two survived Wednesday after a helicopter working to extinguish a fire on the Greek island of Samos crashed. The pilot of the aircraft and another crew member were rescued alive by the Coast Guard after falling into the sea, as reported by the Greek newspaper ‘Ethnos’. The helicopter…
Two dead and two survivors in helicopter crash on the island of Samos, Greece
At least two people have died and two survived Wednesday after a helicopter working to extinguish a fire on the Greek island of Samos crashed. The pilot of the aircraft and another crew member were rescued alive by the Coast Guard after falling into the sea, as reported by the Greek newspaper ‘Ethnos’. The helicopter…
Two dead and two survivors in helicopter crash on the island of Samos, Greece
At least two people have died and two survived Wednesday after a helicopter working to extinguish a fire on the Greek island of Samos crashed. The pilot of the aircraft and another crew member were rescued alive by the Coast Guard after falling into the sea, as reported by the Greek newspaper ‘Ethnos’. The helicopter…
Dos muertos y dos supervivientes en un accidente de helicóptero en la isla de Samos, Grecia
Al menos dos personas han muerto y dos han sobrevivido este miércoles tras un accidente de un helicóptero que trabajaba para extinguir el incendio de la isla griega de Samos. El piloto de la aeronave y otro tripulante han sido rescatados con vida por la Guardia Costera tras caer al mar, tal y como ha…
Dos muertos y dos supervivientes en un accidente de helicóptero en la isla de Samos, Grecia
Al menos dos personas han muerto y dos han sobrevivido este miércoles tras un accidente de un helicóptero que trabajaba para extinguir el incendio de la isla griega de Samos. El piloto de la aeronave y otro tripulante han sido rescatados con vida por la Guardia Costera tras caer al mar, tal y como ha…
Llop defiende que Bruselas “no impone modelo” para renovar el CGPJ y dice que los jueces “ya eligen” a los candidatos
La ministra de Justicia, Pilar Llop, ha defendido este miércoles que la Comisión Europea “no impone ningún modelo” en la reforma de la elección de los vocales del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (CGPJ), en funciones desde diciembre de 2018, y ha asegurado que los jueces “ya eligen” a los candidatos del órgano antes de…
L’opposizione dice che il governo di Viktor Orbán ha “fallito” dopo aver dichiarato l’emergenza energetica
Klara Dovrev, rappresentante della Coalizione Democratica, il partito di opposizione ungherese, ha dichiarato che il governo del Primo Ministro Viktor Orbán “ha fallito politicamente” dopo aver dichiarato l’emergenza energetica e annunciato prezzi del gas e dell’elettricità limitati al consumo medio delle famiglie. “Rinunciare alla riduzione delle utenze potrebbe significare decine di migliaia di settimane in…
Opposition sagt, Viktor Orbáns Regierung habe “versagt”, nachdem sie den Energienotstand ausgerufen hatte
Klara Dovrev, eine Vertreterin der Demokratischen Koalition, der ungarischen Oppositionspartei, sagte, dass die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán “politisch gescheitert” sei, nachdem die Regierung den Energienotstand ausgerufen und eine Begrenzung der Gas- und Strompreise auf die Höhe des durchschnittlichen Haushaltsverbrauchs angekündigt hatte. “Der Verzicht auf die Kürzung der Versorgungsleistungen könnte für die meisten Familien Zehntausende…