BlackRock prevé el fin de “la gran moderación” y anticipa un “nuevo régimen” de mayor volatilidad
Los analistas de BlackRock apuntan a que “la gran moderación”, un periodo de crecimiento e inflación estables, está tocando a su fin y que, en cambio, vendrá un “nuevo régimen” de mayor volatilidad. Así lo han expresado en sus perspectivas para los próximos meses, que han presentado este jueves. En su opinión, la situación de…
Un estudio vincula la leche materna a mejores resultados en el colegio de niños nacidos prematuramente
Un estudio del Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Estados Unidos) sugiere que una intervención en las primeras semanas y meses de la vida de un bebé prematuro puede dar lugar a mejores resultados de neurodesarrollo en años posteriores. Los niños que nacen prematuros corren un mayor riesgo de tener un menor rendimiento académico en matemáticas, lectura…
Bal asegura que con Sánchez al frente del PSOE tras la muerte de Franco “hubiera habido otra guerra civil”
El portavoz adjunto de Ciudadanos en el Congreso, Edmundo Bal, ha asegurado este jueves que si el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, hubiera sido líder del PSOE en lugar de Felipe González en la Transición, tras la muerte de Francisco Franco, “hubiera habido otra guerra civil”, algo por lo que la presidenta de la Cámara…
L’Iran dice che “menzogne e travisamenti” sono “frequenti” negli Stati Uniti, negando il ruolo nella guerra in Ucraina
Il governo iraniano ha dichiarato giovedì che “mentire e travisare la verità” è “comune” tra i politici statunitensi, prima di respingere le accuse di responsabilità di Teheran per le morti di civili in Ucraina. Il portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri iraniano, Naser Kanani, ha dichiarato che il consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale della Casa Bianca,…
Iran sagt, dass “Lügen und Falschdarstellungen” in den USA “häufig” sind, und bestreitet eine Rolle im Ukraine-Krieg
Die iranische Regierung erklärte am Donnerstag, dass “Lügen und falsche Darstellungen der Wahrheit” unter US-Politikern “üblich” seien, und wies Anschuldigungen zurück, Teheran sei für den Tod von Zivilisten in der Ukraine verantwortlich. Der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Naser Kanani, sagte, der Nationale Sicherheitsberater des Weißen Hauses, Jake Sullivan, habe den Iran beschuldigt, durch militärische Unterstützung…
Iran sagt, dass “Lügen und Falschdarstellungen” in den USA “häufig” sind, und bestreitet eine Rolle im Ukraine-Krieg
Die iranische Regierung erklärte am Donnerstag, dass “Lügen und falsche Darstellungen der Wahrheit” unter US-Politikern “üblich” seien, und wies Anschuldigungen zurück, Teheran sei für den Tod von Zivilisten in der Ukraine verantwortlich. Der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Naser Kanani, sagte, der Nationale Sicherheitsberater des Weißen Hauses, Jake Sullivan, habe den Iran beschuldigt, durch militärische Unterstützung…
Iran says “lying and misrepresentation” is a “frequent” occurrence in the US and denies any role in the Ukrainian war
The Iranian government said Thursday that “lying and misrepresenting the truth” is a “frequent” occurrence among US politicians, before rejecting accusations of Tehran’s responsibility for civilian deaths in Ukraine. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Naser Kanani has pointed out that White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan “accused Iran of supporting the killing of Ukrainians” through…
Iran says “lying and misrepresentation” is a “frequent” occurrence in the US and denies any role in the Ukrainian war
The Iranian government said Thursday that “lying and misrepresenting the truth” is a “frequent” occurrence among US politicians, before rejecting accusations of Tehran’s responsibility for civilian deaths in Ukraine. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Naser Kanani has pointed out that White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan “accused Iran of supporting the killing of Ukrainians” through…
Iran says “lying and misrepresentation” is a “frequent” occurrence in the US and denies any role in the Ukrainian war
The Iranian government said Thursday that “lying and misrepresenting the truth” is a “frequent” occurrence among US politicians, before rejecting accusations of Tehran’s responsibility for civilian deaths in Ukraine. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Naser Kanani has pointed out that White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan “accused Iran of supporting the killing of Ukrainians” through…
Iran says “lying and misrepresentation” is a “frequent” occurrence in the US and denies any role in the Ukrainian war
The Iranian government said Thursday that “lying and misrepresenting the truth” is a “frequent” occurrence among US politicians, before rejecting accusations of Tehran’s responsibility for civilian deaths in Ukraine. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Naser Kanani has pointed out that White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan “accused Iran of supporting the killing of Ukrainians” through…